Estate Planning

Estate Planning

It is essential that all people, especially business owners have well structured and appropriate Estate Plans.

This involves-:

  • Appropriately structuring your asset and business ownership while you are alive by utilising structures such as Trusts etc.
  • Having an up to date valid Will
  • Having an Enduring Power of Attorney and Medical Powers of Guardianship
  • Having a SMSF will or appropriately structured Beneficiary Nominations in your Superannuation fund.

This provides piece of mind knowing that your hard earned assets will be dealt with in the manner that you choose and that your family will be looked after as you desire.

Failure to have an appropriate Estate plan can lead to unexpected consequences that can be detrimental to your family in the future.

We can assist and guide you through this process utilizing the services of a solicitor of your choice, or one of our panel of solicitors.

In addition to these services our firm has considerable experience in assisting families with the Administration of deceased Estates.

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